
.a look back at 2014.


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a lot happened in October 🙂 and I will always celebrate my wedding anniversary on the 11th! (this year marked our 2nd year married!) and on the 28th is my blog’s birthday / anniversary and we all can’t forget that I’m Snow White 😉

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this year has been a really fun one you guys! 

I began the year with a brand new camera that my hubs and I bought for Christmas and even though we didn’t really know what we were doing and I had only blogged for a couple months prior, we were determined as a team to make blogging a more serious hobby 🙂 

first things first, I was a brunette when the year started 😉 and in the spring I went back to blonde. in April we moved back to Utah, from living in Nevada for about 9 months, as many of you know we just bought our first home and will be moving in, in the next few weeks. we’re SO excited for the upcoming year and all of the adventures that await us.

I’m grateful for my husband and the hours and time he takes to take my pictures and for all the times I’ve taken him shopping. My family is a huge support to my blog as well and I’m so lucky to have their support too, whenever I need a helping hand, everyone in my family has stepped in and done a beautiful job in assisting me in projects and taking my pictures. We’re not pros over here, but I’m so happy with how everything has turned out. 

this year I got a blog layout remodel and I am in LOVE with it. Kaylie does such a beautiful job and I enjoy working with her. She’s so patient and always hits the nail right on the head! 

picking out only 3 outfits from each month was the hardest! but decisions had to be made. 🙂 what were some of your favorite outfits.. leave your answers below! I’m so curious! 🙂 thanks for making this year great and I can’t even wait to see what will happen in 2015! 

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One Comment

  1. So many great looks! I can't even pick just one as my fav! haha! I love that scarf from Jan posts! I hope you have a great 2015