
.boho dream catcher .. a diy project.

today I’m sharing with you this cute DIY that I did for my baby girl’s room 🙂 my mom is an ANGEL and seriously helped me through the whole process, we got it done in basically 1 1/2 days while still organizing and running errands together! this is a time consuming project that turned out really cute … maybe just don’t ask me to make another one anytime soon 😉 🙂 

I found this image on pinterest 🙂 full site here

 I wanted to recreate this vibe and look for my baby’s room, we originally thought of doing a wood plank wall in her bedroom but when we found out she was a girl, instead of doing a more woodland vibe, we decided to hit the bohemian route instead 🙂 we’ll still incorporate the foxes and accents of wood, but I LOVE the lace and fun colors that come from doing a boho themed space 🙂 

so for this DIY you’ll need 🙂 

supplies : 

*yarn (in at least 3 colors, I chose 5) 

*embroidery hoops (I originally had 3 different sizes but wanted bigger hoops for my wall, so I exchanged them for two 18″ and one 23″ size) you will not use the outside piece of the hoop – just use the inner piece (the one that doesn’t have the tightening wood block) 

*fabric scissors 

*piece of cardboard (to use as a template to make the tassels, make any size according to how long you want the tassels, my piece was about 5 inches) 

to make the tassels : 

* wind the yarn around the cardboard as many times as you’d like (I started with 30 times but quickly realized that makes them quite thick, so depending on how fluffy your yarn is I found that 15-18 times was a good amount) 😉 

* once the yarn is wound around, snip the yarn. 

* cut another small piece of yarn to use to tie tightly at the top

* slide the yarn off the cardboard and cut directly at the bottom as shown in image 1

*image 2 shows using another piece (make it about 3-4 inches) tie a tight knot around the top of the tassel (some people use a bead to get the size right but I just guessed) you’ll have a finished tassel like image 4 🙂 

*continue making tassels until you have about 15 tassels of different colors

(I only used the orchid and mint as accents, so the white, coral and orange are much more prominent, so I made more of those ones, as I got further into my project, I realized I wanted more tassels and ended up doing 11-12 tassels per embroidery hoop, so I made those later) 🙂 

embroidery hoops : 

*to start the string, I just tied a knot and wound it around the same area a few times 

*I then began going in no particular order around the hoop, creating the webbing (think almost like a spider web) do this for all 3 hoops (they don’t need to match) 🙂 

*for the outside, wrap the yarn tightly around the entire hoop – be careful about going through all of the tiny spaces that the string webbing created, you want those strings tight and may need an extra set of hands to help hold 🙂 

*this was the longest part and seriously I couldn’t have done it as quickly without my mom and husband helping me out 🙂 I love how the mint turned out on the smaller hoops though! 

to attach the tassels : 

*before I attached them, I placed them where I thought they should go, this will give you a good idea about which colors you should still make so that you can have enough tassels for each hoop (like I said above I did 11-12 tassels per hoop) 

*cut an extra piece of matching yarn to each tassel (I cut mine about 4-5 inches) tie the tassel in place to the webbing yarn by going through the center of each top section of the tassel (each tassel looks like a little ghost, go through the head part 😉 

*we created a swag with a special kind of lace/yarn that we used only for an accent

*we cut the pieces we needed so that the material would dangle a bit from each side and we tacked it in place with a coordinating embroidery floss to match the hoop yarn 

and this is the finished product 🙂 

and here’s a close up of my favorite 😉 

 I loved making these for our little one’s room and really hope that if you want to make one that this tutorial will help 🙂 the inspiration for these didn’t include a tutorial that I could find, so my mom and I made it up as we went. I really loved the way the tassels were positioned in the original photo I found, but ultimately you can place them wherever and however you’d like 🙂 

happy crafting and tag me in your pics on social media if you make these 🙂 

thank you for stopping by! have a great week 🙂 

 photo jensynsig_zps5647e22c.png

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  1. Turned out so amazing and looks so perfect in your nursery! Loved helping you out on this project! Time well-spent!