
.33 week bump update.

I realize that I have not done a bump / pregnancy update at all this entire pregnancy! I’ve given little bits of information up to this point in other posts, but nothing that really covers the questions I get asked 🙂 so here we go! 

cravings …

 in the beginning I ate a ton of, and ALWAYS wanted a beto’s breakfast burrito! I wanted hearty foods, like potatoes 🙂 now all I want is fruit – mostly juicy fruits like oranges, watermelon and grapes! 🙂 🙂 🙂 YUM! I also have been eating popsicles and any form of a frozen slurpie drink (I think partially because it’s summer anyway 😉 but I feel like I have a hard time staying hydrated and water makes me gag half the time) 

movement … 

this baby girl is the most active thing ever! she’s seriously like bouncing around constantly. 🙂 I LOVE IT! I’m so happy she’s a mover and wiggler 🙂 😉 I always joke that she’ll be a gymnast .. so we’ll see 😉 

clothing …

 I only own a couple of maternity items, 2 tee shirts from Target and a dress 🙂 (so far) 😉 I have been able to fit into some of my old jeans, but back in April I did purchase 2 pairs of shorts (the ones above) and a pair of jeans in slightly larger sizes than I wore pre pregnancy to allow for room to grow in the waist … and let me tell you 😉 the growth has been in more places than my waist! I’ve definitely got some curves that I didn’t have before. 

health and my activity … 

I feel really healthy, I have not really suffered from morning sickness, I did get a bit nauseous in the first trimester but could usually settle that feeling with crackers or something to munch on. I then got sick with a really bad cough (that lasted months) and that pressure in my lungs is what made me throw up ;( ew I know. everytime I ate peanuts or something with nuts would also make me feel super sick – so maybe that means this girl will have a peanut allergy!? I have been working still and I plan on working for a couple more weeks before taking a break to prepare for her as well as take a couple months off work after she’s born. 🙂 I know that working and being up on my feet has helped me not put on a bunch of weight. I do get swollen feet and ankles if I’m on them too much and I get numbness in my left leg, haha, I do also get heartburn especially at night – but hey! when you’re growing a human there’s bound to be some discomfort 😉 

other information … 

we have had our family shower for the baby and I had the best time 🙂 she is already so loved and I’m so excited she’ll have the best family to come into! my friends are like family too and those who were able to make it came and we definitely were thinking of those that weren’t able to make it. it was a special day and I can’t wait until her birthday where we can truly celebrate her. 🙂 

I’m not sure when she’ll be born. I don’t want to get induced so we’ll take her as she’s ready to come. I was born a few days early and so was my husband. a lot of my friends lately have had their baby’s late or right on time. my due date is September 14, so if any of you have guesses on when she’s going to make her debut 🙂 leave them below in the comments!! I’m curious who will guess it right 🙂 

I have really (for the most part) enjoyed being pregnant. 🙂 it’s been the best blessing, one of the hardest things I’ll ever go through is coming up – being a mother!! but I couldn’t be more happy with the timing of this sweet girl coming into our family 🙂 thank you for your continued support and love! 

thank you for reading! 🙂 

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