
.you are enough.

there is a quote that goes something like this … “she knew who she was because she knew whose she was” .. a lot of women (and men too) struggle with feeling adequate, feeling enough, feeling like they’re living with purpose and that they’re special. we are all worth loving. we are all enough. especially in God’s eyes. He loves us, so much. He understands us so fully. 

you are enough.

a little back story … when I was younger I didn’t have a lot of true friends, I always felt people were fake, ungenuine and I was left out. A TON. I feel like every kid goes through this in their life at some point and most unfortunately I know it will happen to my sweet children too. kids can be mean, and adults can be mean. I think there’s really no way to escape or skip past situations where we are being compared, brought down, or even bullied. like I said I didn’t have a lot of close friends growing up (besides a few as I got into HS) and I didn’t date much – leaving me wondering ‘what was wrong with me?’ I wasn’t pretty enough, fun enough, cool enough, smart enough … all those ugly thoughts raced my mind. I struggled with my confidence – and like most girls – changed up my appearance, trying to fit in and compete with celebrities and other social media status’ of what was ‘in’. all I learned from this is that … you can’t please yourself if you’re pleasing the world. you need to do what YOU like, what YOU want, and how YOU want to do it. and you don’t need to be ‘sexy’. ladies, please! stop trying to be too sexy, you are more than your body. you have unbelievable talents, wit and brains – don’t let the world hold you back and tell you that you’re no good. having my own daughter has especially brought this to my mind because I know that she has soooo much potential and I want her to know she doesn’t have to be defined by her body. and neither should you. 

you are enough.

as a new mom I felt (and still do feel) so inadequate. the world puts so much pressure on parents, it’s so unnecessary, but we fall into the same trap of thinking – how I was ever going to be able to keep a clean house, have the perfect outfit, the most romantic marriage, and raise a child while keeping myself busy with a job, family/friends and my church?! the answer is .. you don’t. 😉 at least not at the same time. there is A LOT of give and take, a lot of sacrifice and while somethings get more attention than others that list remains. momma’s (and dadda’s) I’m talking to you! 


is life a picture perfect image?! no, and that’s okay. I struggle with this because I thought once I got married and had children my life would magically be so much better – and while it definitely is the greatest blessing to be a wife to a loving husband and a mom to a beautiful, healthy daughter – it is also the hardest part of my life. everyday there are new tasks, new obstacles, new adventures and I make mistakes. do I get frustrated? yes. do I mess up the dinner recipe? yes. do I complain to my husband about how hard my days are, when he works full time AND does full time school? yes. (I’m ashamed about that one, he’s too good for me 😉 but he reminds me of what I’m good at and helps me feel peace in my days. all I can do on those days of frustration is remember that I have tomorrow and that my husband and baby girl love me and that it’s okay to try again and have a better day the next day. we’re all in it together. 

we are enough. 

a message about those sweet kiddos 🙂 because somedays I feel no good for Navi, I sometimes wonder if the things I need to work on will rub off on her and she’ll have the same temper, or the same distaste for cooking 😉 etc. I’ve come to realize that – no matter what, if I can show her my love, and just simply be the very best that I can be, that is what matters. I’m so glad that I have the chance to see my flaws and work on becoming better at the things I struggle with. 

your enough is good enough 🙂 a favorite quote by Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles says … “to all the mothers in every circumstance, including those who struggle – and all will – I say, be peaceful. believe in God and yourself. you are doing better than you think you are.”

we’re all just trying to raise our families the best we can 🙂 

I want to be a good example and help others to know of their worth. I always wanted to write a book about confidence and loving oneself – I’m not the best writer so we’ll see if I ever get to that 😉 but in order to help others I need to have that confidence myself. I used to compare, pick myself apart and judge myself based on what others are doing/saying/accomplishing/what they have vs. what they don’t have and honestly all that does is bring you down. I have really tried to make a huge effort in being grateful in all my circumstances and love my own life. it’s definitely no fun to live through other people – our very own lives are waiting for us! so what if I don’t have a zillion friends, or travel the world every month, or have the latest and greatest whatever. my life is still of value. my life has purpose. your life has purpose. 

I am enough. you are enough.

I’m not defined by things. I can define who I am by my actions and who I’m trying to emulate 🙂 I want to be happy and strong in all obstacles and adventures this life gives. I fail at somethings but the best thing I can do is not give up. we will never run out of chances to be better 🙂 and on the days it gets really hard and you feel no good, remember … 

you are enough.

learning to love yourself truly is no easy task, unless you are just super into yourself 😉 then maybe you don’t have any issues. but I just wanted to say that while it is a constant effort to find peace with yourself, whether it’s looks, achievements, or just being happy and okay with our lives – let’s all do it. let’s all look in the mirror and be kind to the beauty that stares back. she deserves to be loved.


The Blue Envelope ‘you are enough’ tee c/o // My Sister’s Closet Boutique pants c/o // Tory Burch espadrille flats // Bela Bracelets bangle c/o (use code ‘Jensyn’ for a discount through Aug.31) // Fossil watch 

Navi’s look 

 Modern Piggy bow 

thank you for reading 🙂 I hope that you can all leave feeling uplifted and that you can conquer your day! 🙂 because you are enough! you’re a rockstar! 🙂 you got this girl! go show the world what you’re made of – because you have something really special 🙂 you are loved, valued and you make someone’s day brighter just by being in it! I just love this tee shirt and think what a beautiful message! 🙂 

I recently was called to a higher position calling in my church and the day I was interviewed I happened to be wearing this shirt. The man that interviewed me got tears in his eyes after we spoke about the duties I would have and said to me that “yes, Jensyn, you are enough” he said how much he loved that I was wearing this tee shirt and how he just felt so right about this calling for me. I feel overwhelmed with the responsibilites and do feel inadequate but “God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called” and I feel so blessed to have His strength as well as the strength of my husband, and my family. I know they’ll support in any way and for that I’m grateful 🙂 

and I love you too friends! 
thank you for supporting me and always being so kind! 🙂 

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  1. So cute Jensyn! She is beautiful and that tee couldn't be more true because quite frankly… you're more than enough!! xoxo