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.stripes + blooms – mommy and me.

I love mommy and me posts and this is just an extension from a post from last week ๐Ÿ˜‰ I just had so many cute pictures that I wanted to share! I love summer and everyone knows how much stripes and flowers mean to me and my kids ๐Ÿ˜‰ Navi is obsessed just like I am. so a trip to our local gardening center was needed! we love picking up pretty blooms for our yard and I just love the color and vibrancy they provide ๐Ÿ™‚ it’s all so beautiful! 

Navi has been a wild girl lately – not wanting to wear any pants, just running around in her diaper outside – she’s as sassy as ever (I’m terrified!) lol – and she’s quite bossy. I’m trying to teach her patience and to be kind – she’s usually good about being polite and saying please and thank you, but the past couple of weeks she been bossier than usual. I keep thinking it’s just a phase and we’ll all move on. please tell me this phase ends! haha. I really need it to end. being a mom is tough stuff, being needed all day, in all the ways. Indie loves me (which I am grateful) but if I’m in the room – I have to be the one holding her or she’s so so sad. even when dad is holding her, if I’m around, she only wants me. please tell me this is a phase too. haha. it’s hard because I’m trying to live in the moment but also wanting these hard things to end. when does the balance of it all come???? motherhood is a constant learning and just going with it battle. but it is so great. and at the end of the day, I love them so much. 

comment below if you love sunflowers or matching striped tees! 

my tee // Navi’s tee 

both of our shoes aren’t available anymore but my favorite places to find coordinating shoes/clothes are Target, Zara, Old Navy, Payless and Carter’s – all these retailers carry shoes that are cute and trendy for little kids and offer styles that coordinate really well with adult sizes. the only tricky thing is when I was shopping for this post, I literally bought shoes for me at Payless + Target, picked up shoes for Navi at Payless, Target and Old Navy but none of them coordinated with the shoes from the same store if that makes sense ๐Ÿ˜‰ like the stores don’t pre-pack them as a mommy and daughter duo – I had to do some major hunting! and it was kind of tough ๐Ÿ˜‰ I learned my lesson that planning twinning outfits takes a lot of work and a lot of research but it’s so cute when it’s all done right?? ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

I’ll be sharing more mommy and me posts – along with coordinating/matching outfits ๐Ÿ˜‰ because it’s just so darn fun and because I’ve got two girls – so why the heck not?! 

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