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.albion .. matching with my girl.

matching with Navi is something I had always dreamed of .. when I first found out we were having a girl, I just couldn’t believe it. I was in denial because there’s not way I would get what I wanted ๐Ÿ˜‰ of course having a son would be bliss too, but there was a part of me that really, really wanted to have a daughter. so Navi arrived two years ago and we’ve been besties ever since. I’ll be honest though, I haven’t matched her too much. I’m a bit bummed about that fact actually. haha, I have us coordinate colors or themes but both of us in the same outfit is a little harder to come by. 

so here’s where Albion Fit comes in, they have THEE cutest things for kids you guys! I about died when I saw these adorable mini leggings and the hoodie too! I’m always up for a floral print ๐Ÿ˜‰ and the burgundy shade of this jacket is gorgeous. 

this little lady is my world 

I love that she loves so many things that I do, flowers, animals, she’s caring, stubborn, funny, she likes to tease, she’s helpful and willing to learn, she loves coloring, makeup, lipstick and shoes. 

she’s a girl after my own heart and I’m excited to see how our next little girly babe will be.

we had a lot of firsts this summer, first camping trip, first ‘vacation’ as a family of 3, and a lot of lasts .. last vacation as a family of 3 ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol as baby comes next month. I’m really trying to focus on making the next few weeks super fun for Navi, I want to focus my time on her and doing things she loves. I’m scared of the adjustment to having two kids. I’m nervous for the lack of sleep, the struggles of having a husband gone to work and school, the pressure I put on myself for having my *stuff tougher all the time ๐Ÿ˜‰ but I’m going in and I know I can make it through the hard days. I was prepared for this. being a mother is my call, and I know I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing with my time right now.

Albion Fit leggings // hoodie 

Navi’s leggings // hoodie 

thank you for stopping by! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

xo, Jensyn

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