
.DIY … gem stone heels.

These heels are by Ted Baker and I’m absolutely in love with them!! however they’re not something I can splurge on at this point in time…. so I decided to make my own version. today’s post is my easy designer DIY of these amazing heels. they’re perfect for dressing up ANY outfit and they’re ahead of the trend! watch out for bedazzled shoes popping up in stores next year! 

what you’ll need :
* a pair of heels (or flats, boots, sneakers – whatever your style)
* E-6000 glue 
*jewels / gems from the craft store (different shapes and sizes work best for the look I created)

I had the pictures next to me while I worked so that I could use it as a guide / reference for where to place my gems. I laid them out in different patterns until I found which order I liked the very best. 

Once decided start with your center gem … put the E-6000 glue on a paper plate (get a small glob, about the size of a pea) and using a toothpick, get a small amount on the back of your gem and press into place on your shoe. Work your way around that center gem, and add as many as desired. 

I didn’t end up going up the sides of the heels, or even doing the back as full of the gems as Ted Baker  did. I really liked the cleaner look for these particular shoes. I do however have TONS of gems leftover – so we’ll see if I start another project here soon ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

here’s my finished product! 

I LOVE them! 

I had a blast doing these shoes, and instead of over $200, they cost roughly $40 ๐Ÿ™‚ so I’m a happy ‘glam’per! Let me know if you do this designer inspired DIY project! if you do it, tag me on IG so I can see ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks guys! 

have a fun and safe weekend!

 photo jensynsig_zps5647e22c.png

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  1. OMG your shoes are adorable, Jens! I've been in major DIY mode lately and these are perfect!xo, Natalie | CincinNataliecincin-natalie

  2. ฤ‘แป“ng tรขmgame mucho thuรช nhร  trแปcho thuรช phรฒng trแปnhac san cuc manhsแป‘ ฤ‘iแป‡n thoแบกi tฦฐ vแบฅn phรกp luแบญt miแป…n phรญvฤƒn phรฒng luแบญttแป•ng ฤ‘ร i tฦฐ vแบฅn phรกp luแบญtdแป‹ch vแปฅ thร nh lแบญp cรดng ty trแปn gรณilรฝ thuyแบฟt trรฒ chฦกi trong kinh tแบฟ hแปcฤ‘แปฉc phแบญt vร  nร ng audiohแป“ sฦก mแบญt dinh ฤ‘แป™c lแบญp audioฤ‘แปซng hoang tฦฐแปŸng vแป biแปƒn lแป›n ebookchiแบฟn thแบฏng trรฒ chฦกi cuแป™c sแป‘ng ebookbฦฐแป›c nhแบฃy lฦฐแปฃng tแปญngแป“i khรณc trรชn cรขy audiotruy tรฌm kรฝ แปฉc audiomแบทt dร y tรขm ฤ‘en audio thแบฟ giแป›i nhฦฐ tรดi thแบฅy ebookRa khแปi Di Hแป“ng Viแป‡n, Lฦฐu Phong lแปฏng thแปฏng ฤ‘i theo hฦฐแป›ng ra hoa viรชn Phฦฐแปฃng viรชn. Cรกch ฤ‘รณ khรดng xa truyแปn ฤ‘แบฟn mแป™t tiแบฟng nฦฐแป›c chแบฃy. Bแบฑng kinh nghiแป‡m cแปงa hแบฏn, hแบณn lร  cรณ ngฦฐแปi ฤ‘ang tแบฏm.โ€œTแบฏm?โ€ Lฦฐu Phong ฤ‘แป™t nhiรชn mแปซng rแปก, ngฦฐแปi cรณ tฦฐ cรกch tแบฏm แปŸ hoa viรชn nร y chแป‰ cรณ Trฦฐฦกng Mแปน Nhรขn, Tแป‘ Nฦฐฦกng cรนng vแป›i tam ฤ‘แบกi thแปง lฤฉnh cแปงa Phฦฐแปฃng vแป‡. Mแบฅy nร ng nร y, ngฦฐแปi nร o cลฉng tuyแป‡t sแบฏc. Hiแป‡n ta nhร n lai vรด sแปฑ, rรฌnh coi mแป™t chรบt cลฉng tแป‘t.Tรขm niแป‡m ฤ‘แบฟn ฤ‘รขy, Lฦฐu Phong vแป™i vร ng lแบฏng nghe theo hฦฐแป›ng tiแบฟng ฤ‘แป™ng ฤ‘แปƒ ฤ‘i tแป›i, quแบฃ nhiรชn cรณ ngฦฐแปi ฤ‘ang tแบฏm.ร‚m thanh trong phรฒng vang ra, Lฦฐu Phong tรฌm mแป™t vแป‹ trรญ tแป‘t, nhแบน nhร ng di chuyแปƒn, dรนng ngรณn tay tแบกo ra mแป™t khe hแปก, รกnh mแบฏt cรณ thแปƒ nhรฌn thแบฅy, chรญnh lร  Tแป‘ Nฦฐฦกng.Ta ngแบฅt, mแป™t thรขn thแปƒ xแปญ nแปฏ khoแบฃng 30 tuแป•i, vรณc ngฦฐแปi thanh tao lแบฃ lฦฐแป›t, mแป™t thรขn quแบงn lแปฅa mแปng cร ng tรดn thรชm vร i phแบงn thร nh thแปฅc, thแบญt lร  cรณ mแป‹ lแปฑc.โ€œฤแบนp quรก, Tแป‘ Nฦฐฦกng tแปท tแปท thแบญt ฤ‘แบนpโ€ฆโ€ tร  niแป‡m trong lรฒng Lฦฐu Phong lแบกi xuแบฅt hiแป‡n.Tแป‘ Nฦฐฦกng ฤ‘ang ฤ‘แบฏm say thฦฐแปŸng thแปฉc nhแปฏng ฤ‘ฦฐแปng cong lแบฃ lฦฐแป›t cแปงa thรขn thแปƒ mรฌnh trong gฦฐฦกng ฤ‘แป“ng, cฤƒn bแบฃn khรดng cรณ chรบ รฝ ฤ‘แบฟn cรณ ngฦฐแปi rรฌnh xem. ฤฦฐฦกng nhiรชn cลฉng tแบกi Lฦฐu Phong tiแบฟn nhanh, nแบฟu tu vi chแป‰ lร  Khai Quang hแบญu kแปณ nhฦฐ trฦฐแป›c ฤ‘รขy, chแบฏc chแบฏn sแบฝ bแป‹ Tแป‘ Nฦฐฦกng phรกt hiแป‡n.ฤฦฐa tay quแบฉy nhรจ nhรจ vร o mแบทt nฦฐแป›c ฤ‘แปƒ thแปญ, Tแป‘ Nฦฐฦกng chแบญm rรฃi cแปi toร n bแป™ quแบงn รกo trรชn ngฦฐแปi ra, bรชn trong thแบญt lร  mแป™t giแบฃi ฤ‘แบฅt mร u mแปก, hai ฤ‘แป“i nรบi trแบฏng bแบกch ngay lแบญp tแปฉc hiแป‡n ra. Mแป™t ฤ‘รดi chรขn thon dร i thแบณng tแบฏp lแป“ lแป™, mรกi tรณc kแบฟt bรญm trรชn ฤ‘แบงu ฤ‘รฃ buรดng xแปa. Ngแปc cแบฃnh lร m rรบng ฤ‘แป™ng khรดng gian, mรกi tรณc ฤ‘en mฦฐแปฃt nhฦฐ nhแบน bay phแบฅp phแป›i.